
Celebrating 5 years at The Cleveland

Monday, September 24, 2018

We are celebrating 5 years at The Cleveland!

🎉 And we want you to celebrate with us  🎉

Wow, where has the time gone? It only seems like yesterday we were moving in and welcoming our first guests (they arrived within 30min of the removal van pulling away!)

Over the last 5 years we have welcomed so many lovely people and made many new friends, who come back to see us year after year.

To all of you we both say a massive 'THANK YOU!!'

We have achieved so much during this time;

🎉 Receiving an AA 4*Gold award for 4 consecutive years
🎉 Receiving an AA Breakfast Award for 3 consecutive years
🎉 Being consistently in the top 12 on Trip Advisor
🎉 Replacing hot water and central heating boilers
🎉 Redecorating and refurbishing bedrooms and guest areas
🎉 Oh, and the arrival of Archie too!

The list is endless!

To celebrate our 5th anniversary we are offering all of our guests the opportunity to save an additional 5% off your next booking with us.

This is in addition to our 'direct booking' discount!
This is in addition to our 'stay 3 nights or more' discount!

We are going to announce the voucher code that you will need to obtain this amazing discount in our Facebook VIP Group on Thursday 27th September.

This is the only way you will be able to get the code.

So, what do you need to do now?

If you haven't already joined our Facebook Cleveland VIP Group;

Step 1 🎉 Go to our Facebook page and like our anniversary post (clue - it will look like this email!)
Step 2 🎉 Type the word 'Celebrate' into the comments on the post
Step 3 🎉 You will then be invited to join our Facebook VIP page
Step 4 🎉 Wait for the voucher code to be announced in the group on Thursday 
Step 5 🎉 Make a reservation with us and enjoy the savings (maybe some pocket money for bar drinks?)

The voucher code will only be valid for 30 days and can be used for reservations on any dates from Thursday 27th September through to 30th June 2019, subject to availability.

Thank you again for supporting us over the last five years and here's to the next five!

Best wishes

Lissanne & Matt
